Kids Due
Jan.-Feb. 2006
  Farm Shots  
Tennesse Fainting Goat
Historical & Breed Information
Mini Fainting Goat
Breed Information
Presswood's Billy The Kidd Billy's Kids
(Born 3/22/02)

Billy is very short (19 inches at the withers), very stiff and very spoiled. He's thickly muscled, almost as broad as he is tall.  He throws small, well muscled kids.  Billy's disbudded.

  Billy's business end

Does bred to Billy The Kid
New Kids Due Jan.-Feb. 2006

Cedar Springs Farm

Strawberry is a foundation doe from Edd Bissell's herd. She's a fiercely maternal doe who's rarely seen without her adult daughters in tow.

Strawberry's Kid.  Usually Strawberry presents us with a doeling that has her unusual strawberry roan coat.  This year it was a huge, blue and white buckling.  What a surprise!!!

Cedar Springs Farm

Patch's Kids

Patch howls at the moon

RockinR Farm's HALR

Image's father is Coyote Creek HALR Sir Kato.  Mom is Coyote Creek HALR Miss Vicki.

Image's Kid.  Kids by Billy out of our Coyote Creek HALR line does have shown the strong points of both sides of their pedigree. The stocky, well muscled Coyote Creek look and the short stature of our Billy.


Pint Size Something Magic Magic's Kids
(Born 12/07/04)
"Mac" is the newest addition to the buck pen. This not-so-little guy was bred by Jan Likens of Pint Size Acres.  Mom is Redbud Eight Sheer Magic.  Dad is Grand Champion Shade Tree Acres Something Special.  Mac's pedigree includes Onion Creek Ranch and Coyote Creek HALR.  Mac has bright blue eyes.
Does bred to Pint Size Something Magic
New Kids Due Jan.-Feb. 2006

Cedar Springs Farm

Bandit is a foundation doe from Edd Bissell's old Tennessee herd. Bandit is a Mini Fainter, 22 inches at the withers.

Bandit's KidsBandit's twin daughters, Calamity Jane and Annie Oakley are the only doelings remaining for sale in this winter's kidding.

Cedar Springs Farm

Blue eyed Domino's a foundation doe from Edd Bissell's old Tennessee herd.  She turns out beautifully marked and conformed twins every time.  This year's boys, Magic's Boone and Crockett are no exception.

 Domino's Kids

Cedar Springs Farm
L'il Red (Born 1/9/04)

L'il Red's mom was Caper, from our Bissell foundation stock.  Dad is Billy the Kidd.  At 21.5 inches at the withers, L'il Red is a Mini Fainter.

Li'l Red 's Kids

Cedar Springs Farm
(Born 1/8/04)

Retro's mother is Molly, from our Bissell foundation stock.  Dad is Billy the Kidd.

Retro's Kids

Retro hits the dirt

Apache Landing
Mystical Promise
(Born 1/31/04)

"Mysti" and her sister Makalla aren't exactly two peas in a pod. Mysti is horned, blue-eyed and is mostly white.  Makalla (below) is polled, brown eyed and has a rich mahogany coat.  At 21", Mysti is a Mini - so far.

Mystical Promise's Kid

Apache Landing

Makalla is also a Mini - so far.  She's 20.5 inches at the withers.

Makalla's Kid


Cedar Springs Farm
(Born 1/8/04)

Freckles is a daughter of Maybelle and Billy the Kidd.  She's got her mother's coloring and her father's small stature.

Freckles's KidIf birth weight is any indicator, Freckle's first daughter will be a Mini. Although Priscilla weighed less than 2 pounds, she's a healthy, very active doeling who likes nothing better than dusting it up with bucklings over twice her size.

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